School Designation:
NMVISTAS School Overview

School Designation: - What's this?What's this?
Vistas Score: - What's this?What's this?

What does this mean?
This number represents an overall score for the school. It helps to inform the level of support provided by the PED, and also identifies areas for celebration. All schools that score within the top 25% across the state will receive a Spotlight Designation.

How was this calculated?
Schools can earn points by performing well in a variety of areas. Some components reflected in a schools overall performance number include school climate, attendance and graduation rates, as well as traditional metrics around academic proficiency and growth.

What does this mean?
This number represents an overall score for the school that includes the NMVistas indicators appropriate for that school. It helps to inform the level of support provided by the PED and identifies areas for celebration.
Each NMVistas indicator is matched to a corresponding State Targets. This means that schools can earn the maximum number of points if they meet or exceed the state target for that student group and that indicator.

How was the overall score calculated?
Schools can earn points by performing well across multiple components. The components reflected in a school’s overall index include English Learner progress, attendance and graduation rates, college and career readiness, as well as traditional metrics for academic proficiency and growth.

Who is included in this calculation?
New Mexican students who have attended at least 10 days in a New Mexico Public school are included. For academic indicators, a student must have been enrolled and attended at least 90 days of school in the second semester in order to be included in the calculation. This means that any student who did not meet these criteria, will remain visible on a separate report that educators can use for follow-up and to support students and families. Graduation rates, growth, and college and career readiness are high-school indicators and include 9th through 12th grade students.
To read more about who is included in points calculations and how NMVistas is calculated please see these NMVistas technical guides.

Proficiency Metrics:

Proficiency Rates

Improvement and Progress Rates